Business Analyst已经成为大多商科大学生毕业后的最佳就业方向
时间: 10月22日 (六)  4:00 pm
【主讲人】Daniel Qu(DQ);大师级的数据分析老师DQ,美国名校毕业,具有近20年的资深行业经验,北美上市公司VP,目前从事independent consultant & staffing(recruiting)工作,客户包括世界500强公司,加拿大五大银行等。仅2015年,培训的数据分析学生50多名学员成功就业,50%的学员一次性拿下面试。

应届毕业生Business Analyst 求职要点

很多商科方向的大学生毕业后想找Business Analyst的工作 。个人认为找BA工作的想法起码比找CSR工作的想法靠谱的多(实在无法理解辛苦学习4年后去找一份高中必业就可以胜任的工作)。那么成功找到BA工作的CASE有多少?很低!究其原因,有两点

Ø  不知道,不了解Business Analyst 的工作性质及日常工作职责,盲目的认为商科方向毕业后BA是对口就业方向

Ø  缺乏对Business Analyst工作中必要工具的了解及使用经验

Business Analysis 的范围覆盖面很广,一两篇文章无法阐述清楚,要求从业人员对有Domain knowledge Technology 有比较深入的了解同时具备较强的Communication能力。可以说,BA对综合素质要求最高的工作。在这里我们谈谈适合商科应届毕业生的Junior Business Analyst工作。




Inline image 1
Inline image 2

1. What does Business Analyst do?                                                               

BA的工作集中于Mid Office, 处理公司的核心业务。由于各个行业业务的多样性导致了工作的多样性。 总体来讲有两种Business Analyst - 业务分析员和系统分析员 ( 这两个其实区别很大 ), 其工作从业务分析,系统验收,提供报表,到需求收集.....零零总总,不一而同。16最新移民政策 - 留学生移民政策放宽,EE并非移民唯一途径!

·         业务分析员,主要关注于公司某项业务,某项产品,某个业务,各个KPI指标是否达到预期,是否赚钱,和其他同类业务比较的Benchmark. 这工作对于刚毕业的学生有一定挑战 - 需要补充业务知识及掌握一些分析工具来开展工作。


·         系统分析员,OPENING很多,但能申请的人却不多。其工作需要和IT团队打交道,这一点成为许多人的软肋,这也是我们中国背景的大学生比较容易打开的就业大门 (很可惜,大部分商科毕业并不知道这一点,不知道可以申请系统分析员)。 开门你需要钥匙  - 打开这一类BA就业大门的钥匙是IT知识 

2. How is the Career Future for being a Business Analyst?


3. "Wow, IT, I CANNOT do IT!" - What Skills BA need to have?




:我学了4年商科,看起来白学了,申请Business Analyst工作没有任何优势?

BUSINESS Analyst, 重点在商务逻辑,IT 是敲门砖,是药引子,主菜还是BUSINESS



4. What should I do to be a BA?

根据我的经验为你提供一个关于Jr. Business Analyst Road Map 供你参考(不适用于Sr的职位),在紧紧抓住Business Analyst 相关知识以及简历面试的同时,对于不同类型的BA有如下建议

Business Analyst紧密相关的知识,包括

·         IIBA Certificate  / UML - 了解BA沟通的流程

·         Programming Basic  - 了解IT 相关知识

·         Web Application - 大部分程序是网上的程序,是否应该学,你懂的

·         UAT Testing - BA的一个主要工作职责是主持验收测试

对于业务分析员 - 学习Business Major 工作相关的一些SKILLS和工具( EXCEL, VBA, ACCESS, SQL,  DATABASE, SEO, SEM, CRM, CMS......), 同时REVIEW上学时学的ACCOUNTING / FINANCE的知识,没有准确就业定位的同学请考虑定位Marketing  方向,分析类工作。

对于系统分析员 - 补充Software Testing  工作相关的一些SKILLS和工具( ISTQB Certificate, Web Services, SQL Server, Automation Test........) 同时进一步加强IT方面的知识,做到能够和软件测试人员有效沟通

维多利亚数据分析培训 Python项目实践白天班
公开课时间:10月22日(六)4:00 pm
第一次课:10月24日(周一) 9:30am   以后固定在每周一到周五 9:30am-2:30pm
1)    短平快的课, 白天集中强化, 着重技术实战
2)    培训所对应的数据分析师职位工作稳定,年薪4万以上,职位符合留学生办移民要求。
3)    课程时间灵活,随时入学训练,每个季度一期,全年至少四次。
4)    课上包含3个配套projects,真实项目活学活用, 文档正规背景完善, 应对面试游刃有余。
Python Basics for Business Analyst

Objective: As one of the most important programming language in Data Analysis paradigm, Python becomes to a necessary tool for data analyzing, presentation, and integration given its abundance algorithms, libraries, and supported packages.  “Petite de petite, la soeur fait son ne” – let us start from the fundamentals – from Programming basics, Object Oriented Programming to GUI; eventually, we will have 3 labs to implement the concepts covered above.


Instructor: Dayong Qu, who has20 year’s extensive practice in Project Management, Business Intelligence, and Software outsourcing with companies from government agencies, financial institutions and public firms, currently takes a role of senior Director of Resource Manager in the company that provides souring solution for major financial institutions.


Course Outline:

Session 1(5 hours):

·         1.1 - Why use Python and where is the best fit for it?

o   - How does it compare to SAS

o   - How does it compare to R

o   - How does it compare to SQL

·         1.2 Prepare your Python Development Environment

o   - Interpreted vs Compiled languages

o   - Which version should I use?

o   - Prepare multiple development envs.

·         1.3 The lifecycle for Analytical project

·         1.4 Quick Demos with basic Data types


Session 2(5 hours):

·         Various Data Type

o   List

§  Multi-Dimensional List

o   Tuple

o   Set

o   Dictionary

o   Class

·         Functions

o   Call By Value

o   Call By Ref

·         Conditionals

·         Loop

o   For loop / While loop

o   Continue and Exit

·         String Functions and Formatting

·         Lambda


Session 3(5 hours):

·         Object Oriented Programming

o   Inheritance

§  Function Overload

§  Function Override

o   Abstract

o   Encapsulation

o   Polymorphism

·         Lab 1 – Victoria Student Mgt. System


Session 4(5 hours):

·         GUI with  TK

o   How GUI works

§  Event Driven

§  Layout

o   GUI Components

§  Button

§  Label

§  Input box

§  Radio Buttons

o   Demo – Loan Calculator

·         Lab 2 -  Color Picker

o   Passing inline parameters

o   Using different data structures

·         Lab 3 -  Bubble Sort

o   Create a standalone library

o   Configuration with GUI


Session 5(5 hours):

·         Python Ecosystem for Data Analysis

·         Numpy Data Structure

o   Quickly review Python List

o   Demo on numpy

o   Structured array

·         Vectorization

o   zeros | ones

o   zeros_like | ones_like

o   transpose

·         Regular Expression

o   Search

o   Match

o   Substitut


Session 6(5 hours):

·         Data Visualization

·         Python plot packages

o   Matplotlib package

o   Basic components

§  Multi axis’s plotting

§  Multi plot areaas

·         2D Plotting

o   Line chart

o   Bar chart

o   Boxplot chart

o   Scatter chart

o   Histogram chart

·         Plot real-time data

·         3D Plotting


Session 7(5 hours):

·         Handling Time Series Data

·         Introduction to DataFrame

o   Basics of DataFrame

o   Construct time series with DataFrame

o   DataFrame supports directly plot

·         Structure Financial Data with DataFrame

o   Retrieve real time financial data

o   Calculate returns and moving average and Moving Historical Volatility

·         Regression Analysis with Financial Data

·         Data Resampling  for  High frequency data


Session 8(4.5 hours):

·         Input / Output for variables Sources

·         Basic I/O

o   Data Serialization

o   With txt files

o   With csv files

·         I/O with Pandas

o   With csv

o   With excel

o   With XML

·         I/O with PyTables

·         Working with Database


Python Real Project for Business Analyst

Objective: Only knowing basic business analysis knowledge as well as a programming language may give you the opportunity to step into the area of Business Analysis.  To further strengthen your professional portfolio, you need more knowledge of experience, process, and real practice. In the following sections, we will cover 2 certificates (IIBA and ISTQB) and implementation – the practice drilling down from requirement design, solution design, coding to testing.


Duration: 39.5 Hours


Instructor: Dayong Qu, who has20 year’s extensive practice in Project Management, Business Intelligence, and Software outsourcing with companies from government agencies, financial institutions and public firms, currently takes a role of senior Director of Resource Manager in the company that provides souring solution for major financial institutions.

Course Outline:

Session 1(5 hours):

·         Introduction

o   What is Business Analysis?

o   Who is a Business Analyst?

·         Business Analysis Key Concepts

o   The Business Analysis Core Concept

o   Key Terms

o   Requirements Classification Schema

o   Requirements and Designs

·         Business Analysis Planning and Monitoring

o   Plan Business Analysis Approach

o   Plan Stakeholder Engagement

o   Plan Business Analysis Governance


Session 2(5 hours):

·         Elicitation and  Collaboration

o   Conduct / Confirm Elicitation

o   Communicate Business Analysis Information

·         Requirement Life Cycle Management

o   Trace Requirements

o   Maintain Requirements

o   Prioritize Requirements

·         Strategy Analysis

o   Analyze Current State

o   Define Future State

o   Assess Risks

o   Define Change Strategy


Session 3(5 hours):

·         Requirement Analysis and Design Definition

o   Specify and Modeling

o   Requirements structuring

o   Requirements packaging

·         Solution Evaluation

o   Upfront Criteria /KPI / Metric

o   Testing and Evaluation

·         Use Case

·         UML

o   Static Diagram

o   Dynamic Diagram

·         ER Diagram


Session 4(5 hours):

·         Hands-on Practice in Requirement Analysis

o   Interview Business User

o   Operate requirement Workshop to establish requirement basis

·         Document business requirements

·         Review meetings

o   Walkthrough

o   Inspection

o   Checklist

·         Requirement management

o   Version

o   Update

Session 5(5 hours):

·         Implement Use Case of Login

o   UI Specification

§  Html Page

§  Field validation

o   Business logic implementation

o   Database design

·         Unit Test on Use Case Login


Session 6(5 hours):

·         Implement a selected Use Case

o   UI Specification

§  Html Page

§  Field validation

o   Business logic implementation

o   Database design

·         Unit Test on a selected Use Case

Session 7(5 hours):

·         Static Testing

o   Review Process

o   Walkthrough vs Inspection

·         Dynamic Testing

o   BVA/EP

o   Decision Table

o   State Transition Testing

o   Use case testing


Session 8(4.5 hours):

·         Hands-on Practice in UAT / BAT

o   Development Test Plan

o   Generate Test scenarios

o   Develop Test cases

o   Prepare Test data

o   Execute test cases


o   Report test outcomes

时间: 10月22日 (六) , 10月23日 (日) 1:00 pm
【主讲人】Bill Ye:  20年中国及华尔街投资经验,9FA 加拿大有限公司总裁,中国对冲基金协会(CHPCN)发起人。对稳定赢利的基金投资和交易方法有多年的研究和测试,形成了一套可学习可应用的基金投资和交易模式。译著过《波浪理论》受投资者热捧,最新著作为《神秘的对冲基金》。由于他在金融投资方面博大精深的理论和实战经验,并愿毫无保留和学员分享,令学员即使零基础都有巨大投资回报,被誉为“终生受益的投资好老师”。

维多利亚培训中心(Victoria Training Center (Toronto) 

地址:200 Consumers Road,Suite 118,M2J 4R4  (位于Consumers夹Sheppard东南角第三座楼,近地铁站,免费停车)
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