SharePoint Development/Analysis in Depth



Course Overview

This course is intended for SharePoint developers who should have at least 6-month SharePoint development experience and hope to deepen the thorough understanding of SharePoint working mechanism and enhance development skills


Course Features

·         Selective and focused; Not SharePoint Development in Broadness; No "Hello World!" demo for wide coverage

·         Stress laying down the solid foundation of understanding SharePoint innards

·         Highly value PowerShell

·         Flexible and interactive; Half-seminar, half-instructor-lecture

·         With 10 interview/certification questions in every session presented at the beginning and answered at the end

·         Sample WebParts, Custom Controls, PowerShell Functions and Binary Cmdlets are from real-project experience and reusable

Course Outline

·         Session 1: Development Platform

o   Web, PowerShell, SharePoint Development Tools

o   Frontend and Backend Debugging Techniques

o   SharePoint Virtual FileSystembreak-down

o   PowerShell forDeployment and Development


·         Session2: SPSolution, SPFeature

o   Solution Deployment Analysis

o   Feature Scopes and Activation/Deactivation


·         Session 3: WebPart and SharePoint Control

o   Typical Out-of-box WebPartsAnalysis

o   Out-of-box WebPart and Control Extension


·         Session 4: SPFarm, SPWebApplication, SPSite, SPWeb

o   Site Template Analysis

o   Web.config Modification

o   Event Receivers

o   Permission Analysis


·         Session 5: SPList, SPContenType,SPListItem

o   ListTemplates Analysis

o   CAML Query techniques

o   SPList Data Export/Import


·         Session 6: SPField

o   Custom Field Type

o   New/Edit Form Customization


·         Session 7:SPFile, Page

o   Understanding Uncustomized and  Customized files

o   Site Page Types, Application Page Comparison

o   WikiPage’sWikiField and Publishing Page’s PageContent  in details


·         Session 8: Branding

o   MasterPage Customization

o   Custom Actions

o   Navigation Customization


·         Session 9: Enterprise Content Management

o   Publishing Feature Analysis

o   Document Sets

o   Content Approval

o   Variation vs. MUI


·         Session 10: Service Applications

o   ServiceApplication Architecture

o   User Profiles

o   Taxonomies



Instructor: Mr. Steven Song

n Over 15-year software development experience; 5-year with SharePoint; Now working as a Senior SharePoint Consultant

MCPD(Microsoft Certified Professional Developer for SharePoint 2010)

MCITP(Microsoft Certified IT Professional for SharePoint Administrator 2010)

MCITP(Microsoft Certified IT Professional for SQL Server Administrator 2008)

MCITP(Microsoft Certified IT Professional for SQL Server Developer 2008)

MCSD(Microsoft Certified Solution Developer for Microsoft .Net)


New Course and new SharePoint Developer Opportunity

With therelease of SharePoint 2010/2013, one of Microsoft’s fastest growing products hasgotten even hotter. SharePoint has not only become more popular among end users andIT pros, but it’s also doing extremely well with developers. This is in part due to the significantadvances in the platform, but also because of the great tooling that Visual Studio 2010/2012 and PowerShellhave introduced.

Platform capabilities and tooling combined make SharePoint one of the most compellingcollaborative platforms in the market today; a platform where many projects seek outcustom development. Platform capabilities and tooling, though, are just the foundation; totruly build boundless solutions using SharePoint requires a solid understanding of how youcan apply those capabilities. And as you embark on your custom development projects withSharePoint, it’s important to get the right training and insight into the platform to ensure younot only understand what you can exploit in SharePoint but also how you can build anddeploy compelling solutions.

If you have been already actively engaged in SharePoint development and have encountered bewildering situations that made you wonder why SharePoint does not behavior as you expected or as what you have learned from some basic tutorials. This course is just right for you to deepen the understanding what is happening behind the scene and give you the invaluable insight into SharePoint.

As you make your way through this course, you will feel and become more and more comfortable and confident with SharePoint development. No matter where youare in your SharePoint development career, after this enabling course, you may like to move higher along your career path to fulfill your potential and bring yourself greater self-pride.

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