Eric's Story Series: "Happy Family Day!"

As I live in Woodbridge, one of my favorite activities is to get up on Sunday morning with my wife and two children. If the weather is good, we would take in a beautiful sunrise and then walk to this Italian bakery St. Philips for breakfast – we would have bread, pasta, meat balls, cake, and gelato. After the meal we all get coffee. Everybody drinks coffee in my family. I would take a sip of my coffee and say “ahhhhhh”. All of us would do the same thing, take a sip of coffee and say “ahhhhhh”. We would have a contest to see who said the longest “ahhhhhh”. People around us would laugh with us (not at us) and we all have great fun. Now, let’s do this together, please raise your imaginary cup, take a sip of coffee, and say ahhhhhh. Happy Family Day! So something special as a family.

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